Purpose of Future Scientists Club

The Club’s main purpose is to go beyond the topics thought in school and dive straight into the heart unknown of science.

Members will also learn research techniques, publishing norms, essay writing and, most importantly, gain knowledge on a variety of different topics which interest them.

Final Goals of Future Scientists Club

Our main goal is to publishing research papers (3000-5000 words) with the help of the members of the club itself. Topics may include anything from quantum mechanics to chemistry to social studies to economics reiterating the fact that the students can publish a paper on whatever they like  thus catering to everyone from geeks to atheletes.
1.      Publish them into a self-started website that is affiliated with the school.
2.      Send it to different publishers (international level) that is listed down below:
3.      Try to start our own research journal which we could print (if we get funding from potential sponsers)
PHASE 1: [1 month]
We teach kids on how to research (different methods, reliable sources etc.) and what exactly constitutes a successful research paper. Our club will provide a guide which students can follow which will outline everything from structure to citations.
PHASE 2: [2 months]
Student volunteers will take turns to teach potential research topics (ex. Quantum physics ) which the students attend according to their interest. We won’t force a biology student to sit down and learn quantum chemistry
PHASE 3: [2 months]
We let members write a research paper about any topic they reasearch, It can be what we taught them in phase 2 or otherwise
PHASE 4: [1 month]
We pair up club members and ask them to review each others work. Our club team will also read and review all work to make sure it’s on a certain standard . We will then pass on these suggestions to the members where they have to make a final draft
PHASE 5: [2 weeks]
We create the website to publish all the work done by the club members. Our club team will start sending the papers to different publishing outlets internationally and nationally
PHASE 6: [1 week]
If our club has proven to be a success, we’ll pass on our plan to the next class of 2021 who’ll try and expand it and make it even better than before.